Upcoming events
2nd Conference on Sound Perception
We warmly invite you to participate in the second edition of the 'Conference on Sound Perception', which will be held on 1-3 September in Poznań. It is organised by the Chair of Acoustics (Faculty of Physics). This event will be held in a hybrid format. The main theme of the ...
1.09.2023 - 3.09.2023starts 01.09ends 03.09 -
OpenGeoHub Summer School 2023
From 27 August to 2 September 2023, the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences will host the International OpenGeoHub Summer School 2023. This year's edition, entitled 'Processing and visualizing large geospatial data using R, Python and Julia', will be attended by around 100 young researchers from around the globe. The ...
27.08.2023 - 2.09.2023starts 27.08ends 02.09 -
International Scientific and Training Conference "Current issues of Agricultural law, real estate management and environmental protection".
The Academic Club of Real Estate Management, Agricultural Law and Environmental Protection and the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Protection Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration warmly invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Training Conference entitled "Current issues of Agricultural law, real estate management ...
20.07.2023 - 21.07.2023starts 20.07ends 21.07 -
Association of European Schools of Planning doctoral workshop
From 5 to 8 July this year, the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning will host a doctoral workshop conducted under the auspices of AESOP - the Association of European Schools of Planning. It is a highly prestigious, regular event, organised annually in different cities in Europe, which precedes the ...
5.07.2023 - 8.07.2023starts 05.07ends 08.07 -
European Conference "Physics of Magnetism" 2023
We cordially invite you to participate in The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2023 (PM'23) held at our Faculty on 26-30.2023 [https://www.ifmpan.poznan.pl/pm23/]! Continuing the long tradition, we are organizing the next edition of The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2023 (PM'23) together, the Faculty of Physics of Adam Mickiewicz University ...
26.06.2023 - 30.06.2023starts 26.06ends 30.06 -
Nightly Rendez BUP. Summer session at the University Library of Poznan
The BUP University Library invites all readers to a late-night Randez-BUP. The atmospheric BUP reading rooms, full of books, will be open to users until 22:00 on 7 July. You are warmly invited.
19.06.2023 - 7.07.2023starts 19.06ends 07.07 -
Concert " Psalms speak - Psalmen sprechen - Псалми говорять"
The involvement of the community of our University in helping the fighting Ukraine and the support flowing from this continues unabated. In this context, cooperation in the areas of education and culture is highly significant. You are invited to participate in an engaging musical event, which is the culmination of ...
17.06.202317.06 -
International Student Day
The Centre of Polish Language and Culture for International Students warmly invites you to International Student Day! The programme features Chinese tea and snacks, a theatre performance, a multimedia presentation, and much more.We meet tomorrow, 14 June, at 4:30 p.m. in the hall of the Faculty of Polish and Classical ...
14.06.202314.06 -
Women in Tech Summit 2023
Dear AMU students, postgraduates and academics! Rector Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska cordially invites you to participate in an event organised by Perspektywy, whose academic partner is AMU - WOMEN IN TECH SUMMIT. It will be held on 14-15 June 2023 in Warsaw. The Summit is two very intensive days of discussions ...
14.06.2023 - 14.06.2023starts 14.06ends 14.06 -
Guest lecture by Prof. Yuthika U. Girme as part of the "Invited Lectures in Psychology"
You are warmly invited to listen to the online lecture as part of „Invited Lectures in Psychology.” On Tuesday, June 13, at 5 pm, we will host Prof. Yuthika U. Girme from the Simon Fraser University (Canada), who will give a lecture entitled „Managing Attachment Insecurities in Close Relationships.”. Yuthika ...
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