Solidarity with Ukraine
Ви серед друзів, які хочуть Вас підбадьорити і запевнити, що Ви не самотні!
In solidarity with Ukraine University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań expresses his solidarity with the Ukrainian Nation and declares support for our students and employees from Ukraine.
You are among friends who want to support you and ensure that you are not alone.
As AMU, we will do our best to help you in this challenging time.
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Special Podcast
Adam Mickiewicz University was involved in supporting Ukraine last year in many different ways. One of the forms of our support was linked with the with the arranging the workshops for Ukrainian students, Ukrainian PhD candidates, university staff, university employees and professors, and also university management. We gladly present you the outcome of workshop in Science Communication. Please, listen, what our Ukrainian friends want to say.
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