Research Centres
The research infrastructure at UAM is incredibly developed. Numerous research centres conduct complex projects, the results of which are applied to various fields of life and science, and the university's laboratories are equipped with top-notch equipment and software.
AMS Laboratory performs AMS 14C measurements in graphite targets. At the moment, dozen 14C AMS laboratories are active in Europe. AMS Laboratory is a part of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. The Laboratory closely collaborates with the Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory, which is able to process natural samples into a form suitable for AMS measurement.
AMS Laboratory in Poznan is equipped with the two spectrometers 1.5 SDH-Pelletron Model “Compact Carbon AMS” produced by the National Electrostatics Corporation, Middleton, USA, and purchased by the Adam Mickiewicz University.
14C method is the standard method of dating archaeological objects and geological formations younger than ca. 50 thousand years. These 14C datings are demanded by researchers dealing with archaeology, art history, geology, geomorphology, palaeoclimatology, palaeobotany etc. 14C measurements are also applied in biochemistry and the food industry. Due to multidisciplinary applications, 14C laboratories are usually open to cooperating with a wide community.
Director: prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Goslar, goslar@amu.edu.pl
Rubież 46 E
61-612 Poznan
phone: 618279782
email: c.fourteen@radiocarbon.pl
The Center coordinates the scientific and administrative work of the Integrated Environmental Monitoring operating under the State Environmental Monitoring. The task of the Center is to conduct observations of as many elements of the natural environment as possible, based on planned, organized stationary studies.
In the monitoring system of the Center, there are currently 11 Base Stations, which represent selected landscapes, considered typical for Poland. Since 2017, the Center is included in the European Integrated Monitoring system.
The Center publishes a cyclical series of publications presenting research on the state of Poland's geoecosystems.
Director: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kostrzewski, anko@amu.edu.pl
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Science UAM
Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10
61-680 Poznan
phone: 61 829 63 20, 61 829 61 75
room L111, 207
email: centrumzmsp@amu.edu.pl
Centre for Open Humanities (COH) is a research unit founded by lawyer Professor Anna musiała and literary scholar Professor Przemysław Czapliński. Outside of its research function, the centre is a discussion forum that connects Adam Mickiewicz University and the community of Poznań. it is a meeting platform for researchers from various scientific fields and a centre helping diagnose the problems of the community.
COH was created to study the relationship between law and the humanities. The research addresses concerns over the isolation of the law from community life and the often divergent interpretations of legal texts. Understanding and strengthening the relationship between the law and the humanities is essential for resolving this issue, which is a problem not only in Poland but also worldwide.
Centre for Open Humanities organises debates on important social issues.
Director: prof. Przemysław Czapliński, czaple@amu.edu.pl
A. Fredry 10,
61-701 Poznan
phone: + 48 61 829 41 04
email: cho@amu.edu.pl
The activity of the Center focuses on researching the work and philosophical reflection of the co-patron of Europe - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) in dialogue with contemporary culture.
The work of the Center includes conference and lecture activities, publishing activities and educational projects.
The annual scientific sessions, commonly known as "Phenomena", introduce the phenomena of contemporary culture from the Christian perspective.
The unit cooperates with universities in the country and abroad (including the University of Essen-Duisburg, Germany).
Director: prof. dr hab. Anna Grzegorczyk, anna.grzegorczyk@interia.pl
ul. Szamarzewskiego 89
bud. AB, room. 6
60-568 Poznań
email: cbes@amu.edu.pl
Metropolitan Research Center (CBM) is a research unit of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, established in 2009.
The Center carries out its aims and objectives through research, including analysis, expertise and strategies for the government, and economic and social organizations on the broader issues of the metropolitan areas.
The general aims of the Centre include:
- interdisciplinary research on urbanized areas in Poland and Europe
- diagnosis and studies on spatial-functional structures
- strategies and prognosis for metropolies development
- cooperation with local governments, local stakeholders and other institutions in agglomeration.
Director: prof. dr hab. Tomasz Kaczmarek, tomkac@amu.edu.pl
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Science UAM
room 114 L
Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10
61-680 Poznan
phone: +48 61 829 6336
email: cbm@amu.edu.pl
The Center is operating since 2009. It was established to integrate research filling the knowledge gap on immigration and emigration, concerning western Poland in particular.
As part of its educational and practical activities, the Center deals with supporting tolerance and preventing unfavourable attitudes towards cultural diversity.
Recent projects:
- Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis
- Mobilne życie, niemobilne przestrzenie? Migracje kobiet między Polską a Norwegią” (Mobile life, immobile spaces? Women's migrations between Poland and Norway)
- Migration for welfare: nurses within three regimes of immigration and integration into the Norwegian welfare state”
- Pokrewieństwo i sedentaryzacja na obszarach miejskich w Azji Wewnętrznej: Hailar, Ułan Ude, Ułan Bator” (Relationship and sedentarization in urban areas in Inner Asia: Hailar, Ulan Ude, Ulan Bator)
Director: prof. dr hab. Michał Buchowski, mbuch@amu.edu.pl
email: cebam@amu.edu.pl
The task of the Polish Archaeological Institute in Athens is to represent Polish scientists who intend to conduct their research in Greece in front of the Greek authorities. Adam Mickiewicz University is the coordinator of all Polish research in Greece.
Contact at Poznań:
Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
7 Uniwersytet Poznańskiego street
PL 61-614 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 618291410
Contact at Athens:
Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens
Dionisiou Eginitou 7,
GR-115-28 Athens, Greece
email: paia@amu.edu.pl
The task of the Center is to initiate, support and conduct scientific cooperation with researchers in other fields and with the business community, including dissemination of knowledge, and conducting and implementing new scientific programs and methods.
Among the implemented tasks of the Center, it should be pointed out:
- undertaking activities for the scientific study of women's participation in public space, in particular, conducting interdisciplinary research,
- organization of specialized national and international conferences
- development of didactic projects, collection of literature and materials,
- initiating cooperation between various institutions and communities
- conducting academic education
- preparing expert opinions, opinions and providing advice
- creating a platform for meetings, exchanges and cooperation in various scientific fields dealing with women's participation in professional, family, social, economic, political and cultural life,
- counselling and informational assistance to female researchers (student, doctoral and staff community) on the proposed subject matter,
- organization of competitions for the best master's and bachelor's theses on the proposed topic.
Director : Prof. UAM dr hab. Iwetta Andruszkiewicz, iwetta.andruszkiewicz@amu.edu.pl
Faculty of Political Science and Journalism
Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 5
64-614 Poznan
phone: +48 61 829 66 10
Nanobiomedical Center
The NanoBioMedical Center (CNBM) is an organizational unit of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan established in partnership with the Medical University, the University of Life Sciences and the Poznan University of Technology. It began its activities in 2011.
The main objective of the CNBM is to conduct scientific and didactic activities in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology in an interdisciplinary approach at the doctoral level, as well as at the master's level. The interdisciplinary profile of CNBM's activities is based on combining physical, chemical, biological, medical sciences and material engineering within the framework of nanotechnology.
Research problems carried out at CNBM include the fabrication and full characterization of nanomaterials and the study of their application potential in, among other things, diagnostics and tissue engineering, targeted therapy, energy conversion and storage, catalysis, sensors and nanoelectronics.
Wszechnicy Piastowskiej 3
61-614 Poznan
phone: +48 618 296 704
email: cnbmadm@amu.edu.pl
High Technology Center of Wielkopolska (Wielkopolskie Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii)

The Wielkopolska Center for Advanced Technologies in Poznan is a multidisciplinary centre bringing together the best specialists in science, life sciences and technology, focused on new materials and biomaterials with multifaceted applications.
The essence of the multidisciplinary activities of this centre is the development of original syntheses of chemicals, biochemicals and agrochemicals (so-called fine chemicals), as well as a new generation of bio- and nano-materials and their precursors, and then the development of advanced technologies and biotechnology for their products for use in optoelectronics, medicine, pharmacy, agriculture and many other fields of industry and technology.
Director: prof. dr hab. Bronisław Marciniak, marcinia@amu.edu.pl
Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 10
61-614 Poznan
phone: +48 61829 1885
e-mail: czt@amu.edu.pl
University Centres
The research infrastructure at UAM is incredibly developed. Numerous research centres conduct complex projects, the results of which are applied to various fields of life and science, and the university's laboratories are equipped with top-notch equipment and software.
The Confucius Institute is a project to promote the Chinese language and culture. The activities of the Institute at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan began in June 2008.
Director: mgr Sylwia Witkowska, witxieli@amu.edu.pl
Collegium Helodori Święcicki
Grunwaldzka 6, room 411
60-780 Poznan
phone: 61 829 29 82
email: kongzi@amu.edu.pl
The centre serves the academic community as well as the inhabitants of the city and the region. Its aim is to promote the language and culture of Austria through cultural, teaching, research, publishing and library activities.
Director: mgr Aleksandra Wiśniewska, alexwis@amu.edu.pl
Zwierzyniecka 7
60-813 Poznań
phone: +48 61 829 24 24
email: austruni@amu.edu.pl
The McLuhan Centre for Communication aims to continue the groundbreaking work initiated by the Canadian thinker Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980). It preserves and honours his intellectual heritage by supporting innovation and interdisciplinary research in the broad field of communication.
The Center was established in 2015 as a university-wide teaching unit.
Its tasks include promoting and coordinating AMU activities in the field of distance learning; arranging and conducting online courses; organizing and developing a distance education service system; supporting the content management of university-wide e-learning platforms; creating, developing and maintaining an archive of teaching materials intended for distance learning; coordinating e-learning activities in the University's organizational units; training teachers in the use of IT tools in distance learning; methodological and technical support for the creation of e-learning materials.
The area of the Morasko Campus in Poznań is a unique place. It is here that the Center is to be established. A scientific and educational facility, at the same time a highly attractive place to spend your leisure time. It will be an interactive center of the 21st century, the first facility of this type in Poland.
The Platform offer is addressed to high school students, as well as their teachers.
The goal of the Platform is to respond to the needs of schools and youth, facilitate orientation in the AMU study offer and expand the academic community.