Event date:

Open Seminar for Spanish Speakers

Department of Hispanic Studies wants to invite every spanish speaking student to an open lecture called “EL RETORNO DE LO POLÍTICO EN LA LITERATURA: Événement | Indignados | Movimiento 15-M.”

The lecturer is David Becerra Mayor (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), an author of "Después del acontecimiento. El retorno de lo político en la literatura española tras el 15-M" (2021).

The meeting will be lead by Concepción Martín Huertas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/ Université Rennes 2), Marcin Kurek (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) and Alfons Gregori (Adam Mickiewicz University).

7th of December 2021, 11:30 am to 1 pm, room C2, Collegium Novum, al. Niepodległości 4. Everyone can attend free of charge.