Welcome Center

Welcome Centre as a point of contact for foreign AMU guests carries out the following tasks:

  • providing foreign University guests (including students and PhD students) with information about the University (involving the University principles and organisation, course of study, or social and welfare issues), about the city, the region, as well as legal and formal issues (including safety and medical care) related with the legalisation of residence, getting around the city, the region, and the country,
  • informing about accomodation in AMU students’ dormitories in Poznań,
  • walking the international students through the process of choosing a research tutor/mentor,
  • providing help and assistance in solving issues related with visas, health insurance or residence legalisation,
  • gathering and sharing information about open events organised for students in the city and region,
  • organising guided tours of the University Faculties and their premises,
  • providing training courses and workshops on AMU activity, characteristics and specificity of Departments, Faculties, doctoral schools, research centres, as well as  interfaculty and non-departmental units,
  • organizing meetings and events for and with participation of international students and workers, both periodic (like orientation day, culture week, the University holiday) and occasional (like events organised within the framework of Academic Poznan initiative),
  • preparing and organising different activities both for  AMU international students and workers, in cooperation with the students’ council, ESN (Erasmus Student Network) and study groups.

Contact US

Natalia Labiak



Phone number: +48 61 829 4434

languages: Polish, English

Agnieszka Wielebińska



phone number: +48 61 829 4442

languages: Polish, English

Need help? Write to us: welcome@amu.edu.pl

(Click on the image to view our Welcome Guide for Foreigners)

Physical location on Św.Marcin street

With the pandemic period now hopefully over, we are happy to announce adding a new physical location to the online activities for the AMU Welcome Centre:

Entry:  corner of the ul. Św.Marcin/Kościuszki, straight from the street level, through the big glass sliding door.  

Address:  ul. Św.Marcin 78

Ground floor-street level and on the front corner of the Collegium Martineum building

Call: +48 61 829 44 34 for appointment or e-mail:  welcome@amu.edu.pl .

Academic Calendar 2023/24

International Integration of Students

It is a credit project of interior design students of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts Poznań, which aims to create a student-friendly space for international students at AMU spaces.
This project is the result of a long-term collaboration between the two institutions.

All Events Calendar

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