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AMU Invited Lecture Series in MODERN CATALYSIS 3 (CZT) - Dr Santos

The Faculty of Chemistry cordially invites you to the second lecture in the AMU Invited Lecture Series in MODERN CATALYSIS 3, funded under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme.

The lecture entitled " Copper- and Phosphine-catalyzed Stereoselective Borylation Methods for Sustainable Chemistry" will be delivered by Prof. Webster Santos of Virginia Tech (USA) on Tuesday, 17 October 2023, at 10.00 a.m., in the AMU Centre for Advanced Technology (room D-111/4-6, first floor).

The research carried out by Prof Webster Santos concerns the application of advanced organic synthesis in medicinal chemistry and biology. Overarching the Santos group's research is the development of new methods for the synthesis of compounds that have an impact on human health, including those involving catalytic processes.

Prof. Webster Santos received his BSc and PhD from the University of Virginia under Prof. Timothy Macdonald. Following his doctoral studies, he moved to Harvard University as a Ruth Kirschtein NIH fellow with Prof. Gregory Verdine. At Harvard, he performed chemical biology studies targeting RNA structures as well as HIV-1 integrase. In 2006, he started as an assistant professor of chemistry at Virginia Tech and was promoted to associate and then full professor in 2018. He currently serves as the director of the Virginia Tech Center for Drug Discovery and executive officer of the Virginia Drug Discovery Consortium. He held a chaired position as the Blackwood Junior Faculty fellow of Life Science and is currently the Agnes and Cliff Lilly faculty fellow of drug discovery. He is a co-founder of four start-up companies: SphynKx Therapeutics, Continuum Biosciences, S1P Therapeutics and Uncoupler Biosciences. He serves on the editorial boards of Medicinal Research Reviews, Molecules (Medicinal Chemistry Section) and Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Innovators Award, American Chemical Society Young Investigator, Chemical Communications Emerging Investigator, Molecular Biosystems Emerging Investigator, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He serves as a standing member of the National Institutes of Health Chemical Biology and Probes study section and is an inventor on 21 issued and pending patents.

The lecture is organised by the Laboratory of Applied and Sustainable Catalysis by the AMU Centre for Advanced Technologies.


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Abstract.pdf 11.10.2023 Natalia Kostić
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