n oxymoron: Generalized Restricted Three Body Problem
Date, time: April 17, 2024, 13:00 – 14:00
Speaker: Prof. Antonio Elipe (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
The restricted three-body problem (RTBP) is without a doubt the most studied in Celestial Mechanics. It consists of the motion of an infinitesimal mass that does not influence the motion of other two-point masses, called primaries, which move in Keplerian orbit around their mutual centre of mass. To have a better approximation to real problems like the non-sphericity of the primaries, or to include radiation pressure of one primary, or post-Newtonian effects, this restricted problem is generalized by including some additional terms. However, many authors enthusiastically add more and more hypotheses and go beyond the allowed laws. In the talk, we will show some of these wrong assumptions that trespass the threshold of Physics laws.
Chairman: Sławomir Breiter
Source: AMU Faculty of Physics website