The international ranking indicates the most cited scientists in the world. In this year's edition, 11 people from Adam Mickiewicz University were listed among them!
In the Animal Science category, Prof. Łukasz Kaczmarek (AMU Faculty of Biology) was ranked 2nd in Poland.
In the field of Ecology and Evolution, Prof. Jacek Radwan (AMU Faculty of Biology) was ranked 5th in Poland, while Prof. Mariusz Lamentowicz (AMU Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences) was 7th.
The following researchers were also ranked: Prof. Tomasz Goslar (AMU Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences) in the Earth Science category, Prof. Tomasz Łuczak (AMU Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) in the Computer Science and Mathematics category, Prof. Andrzej Ruciński (AMU Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) in Engineering and Technology, and Mathematics, prof. Mariusz Gałka, PhD (AMU Faculty of Biology) in Environmental Sciences,
In Addition, as many as four scientists in the Chemistry category: Prof. Mariusz Jaskólski, PhD (AMU Faculty of Chemistry), Prof. Maria Ziółek, PhD (AMU Faculty of Chemistry), Prof. Stefan Lis, PhD (AMU Faculty of Chemistry), Prof. Andrzej Katrusiak, PhD (AMU Faculty of Chemistry).
The ranking is based on the D-index (Discipline H-index), comprising only articles and citation values for the studied discipline.
Our sincere congratulations