We kindly invite you to read the AMU Senate's statement on unreliable publication practices.
Resolution no. 47/2024/2025
of the Senate of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
from 27 January 2025
regarding the statement of the AMU Senate
regarding unreliable publication practices
Under § 30 para. 5 of the Statutes of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, the AMU Senate resolves as follows:
§ 1
The Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, deeply and unequivocally condemns all practices related to the phenomenon referred to as paper mills (paper mills, article mills, publishing cooperatives). Activities of this kind (involving, inter alia, selling and buying authorship of scientific publications, fabricating research results, stealing researchers' identities, or selling or buying reviews and citations) constitute a serious breach of scientific ethics, violate the principles of integrity, honesty and scientific responsibility and undermine the trust in the academic community.
We wish to sensitise AMU researchers to the issue of paper mills, reminding them of the need to carefully review collaboration offers, especially if concerns arise regarding the ethical nature of the proposal being presented. In all cases, the Senate is in favour of taking measures to increase the transparency of the research process and counteract the phenomenon of paper mills, as recommended by the University Council for Science.
We believe that the determination of the entire academic community and a collective concern for maintaining the highest standards of science can effectively counteract reprehensible publication practices and prevent the participation of scientists at AMU in this practice.
§ 2
The resolution shall come into force on the date of its implementation.
R e c t o r
Prof. Dr. Bogumiła Kaniewska