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Call for applications for the 11th edition of the Study@research competition

The graphic shows two students in the lab, conducting a research together

The call for applications for the 11th edition of the Study@research competition was launched on 14 February 2025. It is a grant competition addressed to first-year AMU students of second-cycle studies and fourth-year students of long-cycle studies.

The winners will receive grants for individual (up to PLN 5 000) or team (up to PLN 10 000) student research projects. The research team members must be students of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, at the time of realisation of the task planned in the project.

For the amount awarded, the grantees will have the opportunity to finance their participation in national and international conferences, workshops and seminars, cover the translation or proofreading of an article prepared in a foreign language, and purchase literature and software. An honorarium will also be provided for the winners.

Applications for the Study@research competition (IDUB Competition No. 161) must be submitted by 14 March 2025 in the ID-UB Proposals application system (after logging in, tab: New proposal - Competition No. 161 - Study@research - 11th edition).

Detailed competition regulations are available on the Intranet and in the ID-UB Proposals application system.

Apply to the 11th edition of S@r

Schedule for the 11th edition of the Study@research competition (ID-UB Competition No. 161, Task 34):

  • Application call announcement date: 14.02.2025
  • Submission of proposals: until 14.03.2025
  • Decision date of the competition: 04.04.2025
  • Task completion deadline: 31.10.2025
  • Settlement deadline for the task: 30.11.2025

In case of questions regarding the programme, please feel free to contact:

tel. +48 61 829-24-21

The Study@research competition is organised within the framework of the  Research The graphic shows the Research University Excellence Initiative programme logoUniversity Excellence Initiative project.