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Call for participation - Stella for Staff

The professional mobility programme for services staff of the Compostela Group of Universities, Stella for Staff, fosters intercontinental exchanges for the workforce of the CGU and CONAHEC member universities. A connection to learn how they work in the different departments of the universities participating in the programme and to live a multicultural experience, through short stays in other higher education institutions from our network and CONAHEC.

Once a year, the network disseminates a call for applications for grants and mobility under the Stella for Staff programme. Only services staff from the CGU member universities can apply and receive a grant.

In-person mobility must last a minimum of seven and a maximum of 15 working days. The mobility action must start in 2023. Some universities would allow those who participate to choose a mobility period, while others would detail a specific one. They will also define the areas or departments in which they offer the placements.

The offers to host international administrative Staff members are collected until February 20th only!

More information about the programme is available on the Compostella Group of Universities website.

Stella for Staff programme was born in 2002 as an initiative to offer administrative staff the same opportunities available to students and teaching staff at that time. Since its launch, more than 400 administrative staff from the CGU and CONAHEC networks have participated in the professional exchanges.