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Guessing and memory

The article written by Professor Katarzyna Zawadzka from the AMU Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science was awarded the Psychonomic Society's prize for the best scientific article published in the journal Memory&Cognition.

The thesis entitled. "Guessing can benefit memory for related word pairs even when feedback is delayed" describes the learning strategy of attempting to guess the answer to a question task as a form of improved recall. This method is only effective if the correct answer is presented in the corrective feedback form.

We invite you to read the award-winning publication:

The Psychonomic Society is an association devoted to the experimental study of cognition. The organisation has been in existence for more than 60 years ago and brings together more than 4,300 researchers. Society members conduct research on topics such as memory, learning, problem-solving, decision-making, language, attention and perception. The Society's mission is to advance the science of cognition through the development and communication of basic research in experimental psychology and related sciences