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grupa mlodych ludzi

On 18 December 2023, the foreign language levelling tests valid for the academic year 2023/2024 were launched on the Moodle platform. All first-year full-time undergraduate and full-time unified master's degree students with a foreign language in their study programme must take a test compulsorily in a language offered by the faculty.

Levelling tests have been prepared in the following foreign languages:

  • English language
  • French language
  • Spanish language
  • German language
  • Russian language,
  • Italian language.

Logging in to the levelling tests:

  1. go to:
  2. Log in to the levelling test on the Moodle platform in the same way as for a student account in the USOSweb system.
  3. After you log in, read the introductory information and the list of courses taught at individual faculties.
  4. Next, take one test in a language of your choice from the pool of languages offered by the faculty.

Deadline for the levelling test: 18 December 2023 to 14 January 2024.

A student who fails to complete the levelling test will not be allowed to enrol in a foreign language course!!!!!

Additional information on levelling tests:

  • The purpose of the levelling test is to specify the level of proficiency in a foreign language concerning the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and to assign the student a language token at the appropriate level.
  • Taking the levelling test is compulsory for all students in the first year of full-time undergraduate and master's programmes.
  • The test covers reading comprehension, knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, understanding of principles of vocabulary and the ability to respond in everyday situations. Listening comprehension and oral language skills are not tested. The test also does not diagnose knowledge of specialised academic language.
  • The test consists of 100 tasks, each task can be awarded 1 point, i.e. a maximum of 100 points per test.
  • After completing the levelling test, students will receive information about their knowledge of the foreign language (the result will be assigned to one of the levels: A2, B1, B2.1, B2.2).
  • Starting from the second semester, students will take language classes according to the result received in the levelling test. The course will end with a compulsory B2-level certification exam.