The AMU partner network Global Campus of Human Rights invites scholars of all levels to participate in the online course "MOOC on Transitology - Pathways to and from Democracy".
In this new Global Campus MOOC policymakers, academic researchers and analysts will explore different forms of government and look at theories explaining political and societal transitions, transformation, and consolidation of regimes. They will also present and discuss concrete examples of political transitions and regime changes in different world regions.
The course runs over 5 weeks and is organised into 3 modules:
- Module 1 - Transitology and Waves of Democratisation
- Module 2 - Modes of Governance and Regime Consolidation
- Module 3 - Backsliding of Democracy and Restoring Deficits
It focuses on examples and current debates from different countries in the world within Eurasia, the Arab World, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia – all regions in which Global Campus Regional Programmes operate.
Registration for the course is only open until 19 March. The application form can be found here.
For more information, please visit MOOC Transitology – Pathways to and from Democracy - Global Campus of Human Rights ( or check the attached file below.
In case of any questions please contact: