On 12 May, the Collegium Polocum of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Słubice hosted a scientific conference of the 21st century Europe series entitled 'Poland in the European Union. Results and scenarios for the future from the perspective of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Accession Treaty'.
We are honoured to be members of this community and definitely determined to continue this cooperation because 80 % of Poles still believe that our place is in the European Union,' said the Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Prof. Tomasz Grodzki, welcoming the guests.
The conference was joined by, among others, former Prime Ministers of the Republic of Poland who played an important role in Poland's accession to the European Union - Prof. Hanna Suchocka, Leszek Miller and Jan Krzysztof Bielecki. The discussion with their participation was chaired by the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska.
Photo by A. Czerneńko