Admissions start at AMU on 1 June. From this date, you can enrol for your dream studies. In the meantime, we would like to remind you of a few rules related to the application process.
The entire recruitment process is conducted online via the Online Admissions System (OAS). It is where you will create your applicant account when recruitment opens.
With your candidate account, you will be permitted to select your major (sometimes enrolment is by specialisation), pay your application fee and enter your baccalaureate results. Through the OAS, you will also receive information on university qualifications.
We strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with the OAS now. Why. We provide descriptions of the individual fields of study and information on graduate competencies and prospects. There are more than 300 fields of study to choose from. So it is worthwhile familiarising yourself with the university's offerings today.
How to navigate the OAS exactly? We have a quick tutorial for you below ;)
( NOTE: The video is in the Polish language version. English subtitles are available).
photo credit: Maciej Nowaczyk