Recruitment 2024 starts at AMU on 1 June. Candidates interested in the studies offered by Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, have over 20 English-language courses to pick from.
Why is it worth choosing AMU?
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, is a leading university in western Poland. AMU is one of the top three Polish universities. The educational offer is extremely diverse so that both scientific and humanistic minds will find their dream major.
AMU, the Ambitious and Powerful University
The university's position is evidenced not only by its top ranking but also by its status as a research university. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, was the winner of the 2019 competition of the Minister of Science and Higher Education's ''Excellence Initiative - Research University'', placing third in the competition. As one of ten academic centres in Poland from 2020 to 2026, we receive a subsidy enhanced by 10% of the funds allocated for 2019, i.e. PLN 49.9 million per year. These resources allow us to fund more research.
AMU is a member of the European consortium EPICUR. The European Universities Alliance is part of the first generation of European alliances piloting a new way of intensifying cooperation between higher education institutions by creating the European University. The EPICUR Alliance seeks to support and promote increasingly strong collaboration between academics, students and administrative staff, aiming towards a fully-fledged federation of universities by 2026. It aims to create a genuinely European learning environment that provides the best in teaching, learning, training and research.