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Rector's announcement on the activities of the Integration of the Academic Community in Poznań

Ladies and Gentlemen,

AMU Employees, Doctoral Candidates and Students!

In November 2020, the Poznań Assembly of Rectors established the Council for Integration of the Poznań Academic Community. The Council, with Professor Andrzej Lesicki as its Chair, aims to analyze various aspects of creating a federation of public universities in Poznań, examine the benefits, as well as potential threats that this initiative may bring.

We would like to make the idea and the rationale behind the federation clearer to all university employees; to inform them about the milestones in the creation of this new union. Universities in Poznan will publish articles, announcements and reports on the implementation of the current tasks on their websites. We also encourage everyone interested in details concerning the federation and the activities of the Council to regularly check the website.

I kindly invite you to read the first newsletter of the Council. We are about to face various dilemmas, engage in many discussions and take important decisions that will influence the results of the evaluation and its conclusions. I hope that the form of communication proposed by the Council will invite a rational and substantive debate.

I invite you all to read the letter, reflect upon it and share your comments.

Professor Bogumiła Kaniewska,

Adam Mickiewicz University



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AMU federalisation 15.02.2022.pdf 16.02.2022 Gabriela Potentas
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