Date published:

Rector’s Ordinance concerning remote teaching

Rector’s Ordinance No. 154/2020/2021

of December 8, 2021 on the organization of education from December 20, 2021 to January 9, 2022

Pursuant to the Art. 23 section 2 item 2 of the Higher Education Act of July 20,2018 (Journal of Laws from 2021, item 478 as amended), the Minister of Health regulation of March 20, 2020 on introduction of state of epidemic into the territory of the Republic of Poland (Journal of Laws from 2020, item 491 as amended), and of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 27, 2018 regulation on studies (Journal of Laws from 2021, item 661) it is hereby ordered:

§ 1

From 20 December 2021 to 9 January 2022, education at:

  • Ø first-cycle programmes;
  • Ø second-cycle programmes;
  • Ø long-cycle Master's degree programmes;
  • Ø doctoral Studies and Doctoral school;

will be conducted with the use of remote teaching tools and techniques (remote teaching), regardless of whether provided for in the programme of studies.

2. Remote teaching is conducted in accordance with the applicable study plan in a way that enables synchronous interaction between students and teachers or other educators.

3. Classes that cannot be conducted remotely are held on-campus. The Dean draws up a list of such classes and informs the students immediately.


The manner and principles of education in forms other than those specified in § 1 sec. 1 points 1-4 are specified in the Rector’s Ordinance No. 139/2020/2021 of August 20, 2021 regarding the rules of functioning of Adam Mickiewicz University during winter semester of 2021/2022 academic year in relation with the COVID -19 outbreak.


The Ordinance comes into force on the day it is passed.


Prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska