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Results of the 4th edition of ADVANCEDBestStudentGRANT

We are delighted to announce that on 9 December 2024, the 4th edition of the ADVANCEDBestStudentGRANT grant competition implemented within the Excellence Initiative-Research University Programme (IDUB competition No. 154, under Task 39) was resolved.

The IDUB 154 competition, ADVANCEDBestStudentGRANT, was aimed at students in their 2nd year of Bachelor's and Unified Master's degree programmes who obtained a minimum grade point average of 4.2 in the academic year 2023/2024. Applications were submitted from all AMU discipline schools, representing 15 academic fields, including biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, sociological sciences, earth and environmental sciences, history, pedagogy, philosophy, linguistics, literary studies, human geography and planning, legal sciences, sociological sciences, astronomy, mathematics and computer science.

41 individual and team projects were selected by the competition committee and qualified for funding.

The grants obtained will enable the winners to implement their first research projects. Among other things, the grant will allow the awarded students to purchase research aids, participate in seminars and workshops, and receive compensation for their research efforts. The ADVANCEDBestStudentGRANT winners will be awarded up to PLN 5,000 for individual projects and up to PLN 10,000 for team projects.

A list containing the names of the awarded students is posted on the intranet:

See the list of winners of the 4th edition of the ADVANCEDBestStudentGRANT competition.

The winners of the 4th edition of ADVANCEDBestStudentGRANT will meet in January 2025 on the MS Teams platform.

We sincerely congratulate all the winners and wish them a successful implementation of their research projects!

If you have any questions about the programme, please do not hesitate to contact us:

  • e-mail:
  • tel. 61 829-24-21

The ADVANCEDBestStudentGRANT competition is organised under the Excellence Initiative - Research University Programme, for Task 39: „Wyszukiwanie studentów wybitnie uzdolnionych oraz wsparcie talentów poprzez włączenie ich do badań naukowych od pierwszego roku studiów”.