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Symbiose 2022: Symposium for Biology Students in Europe

SymBioSE is a Symposium of Biology Students in Europe. It was founded in 1996 by members of a German student association. The basic idea was to connect all European biology students, allowing for the exchange of ideas, perspectives and experiences about student concerns. This led to the first meeting in Berlin in 1997. After a successful start with twelve European countries, it was continued as an annual event to be held in the different participating nations. Since then, every host country has built upon the initial idea and upgraded it with different aspects of their own cultural background. Thus far, every time this has resulted in a unique and enriching symposium.

Today, SymBioSE meetings have three major goals: to broaden the horizons of the participating students by lectures and excursions, to share information about current university matters, and to connect people by discussions and cultural exchange.

This year, the symposium will take place on July 23rd and 30th in Freiburg, Germany!

Here you can check the preliminary timetable.

Registrations will be open until the 13th of February, so don't hesitate and click here to check the application.

For more information please visit their home page: