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The 9th edition of the BESTStudentGRANT competition has been launched

The call for applications for the ninth edition of the BESTStudentGRANT competition started on 21 October 2024.

Students of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, in their first year of Bachelor's and long-cycle Master's degree programmes who have obtained the best results from the Baccalaureate exam at the extended level (90% or more) or the best results from a foreign baccalaureate exam (90% or more after conversion to the Polish baccalaureate exam) and do not have a bachelor's, engineer's or master's degree are eligible to participate in the competition.

As part of the contest, successful applicants will receive grants for the implementation of individual student research projects.
Up to PLN 5,000 can be won in the competition.

For the allocated amount, grantees will have the opportunity to finance their participation in national and international conferences, workshops and seminars, cover the costs of translation or proofreading of a paper prepared in a foreign language, and purchase literature and software. An honorarium for the grantee is also foreseen.

Applications can be submitted until 25 November in the ID-UB Proposals application system (after logging in, tab New proposal - Competition No. 157 BESTStudentGRAND - 9th edition).

Detailed rules and regulations of the competition can be found on the Intranet and in the ID-UB Proposals application system (tab: Competitions - Competition No. 157
BESTStudentGRAND - 9th edition - Announcement/Regulations)

Apply for the 9th edition of BSG!

  • Schedule for the 9th edition of the BESTStudentGRAND competition (ID-UB competition No 157, task 39):
  • Deadline for announcement of the call for applications: 21 October 2024.
  • Deadline for submission of applications: until 25 November 2024.
  • Deadline for adjudication of the competition: 10 January 2025.
  • Deadline for completion of the task: 15 November 2025.
  • The deadline for settlement of the assignment is 15 December 2025.

If you have any questions about the competition, please feel free to contact:

tel. 61 829-24-21

The BESTStudentGRANT competition is organised within the framework of the Excellence Initiative - Research University Programme.