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Winter Sports Event at ETU

Erzurum Technical University(ETU) kindly invites you to the Winter Sports Event that will be held from 17th to 20th March 2022 in Erzurum, Turkey.  The aim of the event is to introduce the opportunities for winter sports in Erzurum city, to exchange ideas and make fruitful discussions with colleagues from all over the world, and to carry out a workshop on possible future projects and consortiums for winter sports.

There will be no participation fee for all the activities during the event. ETU will provide the participants with lunch, dinner, and accommodation and cover nearly all of the leisure and visiting activities. Participants are only expected to cover their own travel costs. You can find attached the Rector's official invitation and event program in detail.

If you are interested in taking part in this event, please fill in the application form attached in the e-mail and send it to until the 15th February 2022. Upon application process, the Letters of Invitation will be issued and sent to the participants.

We encourage you to check the events program down below.


Name No binding since / Issuer Download file
application_form_.docx 9.02.2022 Gabriela Potentas
Download DOCX application_form_.docx(43.0 KB)
Visiting-Programme.pdf 9.02.2022 Gabriela Potentas
Download PDF Visiting-Programme.pdf(576.2 KB)