Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science cordially invites you to a lecture given by Prof. G.Godfefroy on "Some questions about Lipschitz-free space", organized as part of the ID-UB Lecture Series.
The event will be held remotely via the Zoom platform on 22 November 2022, at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 859 6189 2585
Access code: 0r4Mej
The abstract of the speech is available here.
Prof. Gilles Godefroy is an eminent French mathematician specializing in functional analysis (linear and nonlinear), particularly Banach spaces. He received his PhD in 1977 from the University of Peter and Marie Curie (also known as Paris 6) under Gustave Choquet. He has authored or co-authored more than 160 scientific publications. His publications have been cited nearly 3,000 times. He is co-author of the well-known monograph (jointly written with R. Deville, V. Zicler) "Smoothness and renormings in Banach spaces," Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 64.