The AMU Astronomical Observatory Institute, Faculty of Physics, is pleased to invite you to an Astronomical Observatory seminar. The lectures are held every week, on Thursdays at 1 p.m., in the building of the Astronomical Observatory of the Adam Mickiewicz University at Sloneczna 36, Poznań.
A new feature: to enable individuals from outside Poznan to participate in our seminars, we will provide links to MS Teams sessions under selected papers. To join us in video conference mode (without sign-in), click on the link in your Google Chrome browser (may not work in others), enter your name and wait for the organiser to let you in. Alternatively, you can use the separate MS Teams app.
Date: 7 March 2024, 13:00
Keynote speaker: Aleksandra Leśniewska, MA (AMU AOI)
Language: English
PLEASE NOTE: Remote lecture.