Canada Week at the Faculty of English: Schedule
All sessions will be broadcast live on Zoom and the Faculty of English Facebook page. If you wish to receive the Zoom link, please register here:
Monday, March 18 | 11:30-13:00 | room 236
Student session (in English)
- Aleksandra Jurga: "The experience of the Holocaust in selected memoirs of the Azrieli Holocaust Survivor Memoir Program"
- Hanna Błauciak: "Why should you care about postcolonialism and Latinos in Canada?"
- Julia Chojnacka: "Indigenous wisdom: Traditional ecological knowledge in the face of climate change"
- Michał Bankiewicz: "Mors Kocharski - 'The more you know, the less you carry' - the legendary bushcraft instructor from the Northern Forest"
Tuesday, March 19 | Aula im. Hrynakowskiego
- Marcin Markowicz (UAM): "The past and present of queer activism in Canada"
- Mateusz Świetlicki (UWr): "High school, queerness, and indie pop. The intersections of Canadian young adult literature and popular culture"
11:30-13:00 (session in Polish)
- Agnieszka Rzepa (UAM): "Czarna Kanada: dylematy przynależności"
- Michał Obszyński (UW): "Od Black is Beautiful do Black Lives Matter: polityczno-kulturowa afirmacja czarnoskórej mniejszości w Kanadzie od lat 1960 do dziś"
Jeff Bremer (Iowa State University): "A brief history of Canada: First Nations and Europeans to 1867"
Weronika Suchacka (USz): "Practices of intersectionality in Canadian literature"
Thursday, March 21 | 18:30-20:00 | room 235
In Polish:
Wokół tłumaczeń: pisarka i jej tłumaczka. Spotkanie z Ewą Stachniak i prof. Ewą Rajewską (UAM) (see here for details)
Source: Faculty of English Website