If you would like to discover American cinema with us, join the next virtual meeting in the "Exploring American Cinema" series with David Henry Gerson, director and screenwriter, awarded, among others, by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Sundance Film Festival, director of the award-winning documentary The Story Won't Die about Syrian artists - refugees who, choosing freedom of artistic expression, opposed the regime in the fight for freedom and justice, often risking their own lives.
More about the movie:
The interview with David Henry Gerson will take place on March 10 at 18:00 on the Zoom platform.
The conversation will be conducted in English by Andrzej Rossa from the U.S. Embassy.
Please register for the event by March 9 at the following link: https://forms.gle/giPgbHopfe5geVdy8
People registered for the meeting with the director will receive free access to watch The Story Won't Die on the New Horizons VOD platform before the event.