Event date:

IAS Invited Lecture Series on Challenges and Affordances of Qualitative Methodologies

We would like to invite you to an open lecture by dr Jessica Nina Lester on “Micro-analytic approaches for the study of everyday and institutional social interactions” to be held online on 19th November at 1.30 pm CET. This will be the inaugural lecture of the IAS Invited Lecture Series on Challenges and Affordances of Qualitative Methodologies organised in 2021-22 by the Faculty of English and convened by professors Joanna Pawelczyk and Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak.

dr Jessica Nina Lester
“Micro-analytic approaches for the study of everyday and institutional social interactions”

Abstract: Micro-analytic methodologies used to analyse language-in-use, such as discursive psychology and conversation analysis, afford researchers the opportunity to make visible nuanced and oft taken-for-granted social practices. In this talk, Lester will demonstrate how researchers might take up such approaches to examine constructs and social practices oft thought to be ahistorical, static entities. Drawing upon both discursive psychology and conversation analysis, Lester will point toward how these methodological and theoretical perspectives can be used to closely analyse text and talk across a range of contexts. To illustrate the potentiality of such approaches, she will draw upon a dataset involving disabled children and clinicians who – in their everyday mundane practices – negotiate what it means to be ‘normal’ and ‘competent.’ In doing so, she will point to how microanalytic approaches for studying language-in-use can serve to make visible tacit assumptions about the very meaning(s) of social life and human-ness.

The lecture will be held on Zoom. Please register at https://forms.office.com/r/xj4uHG26ZS to receive the link to the online meeting.