When buying online, please enter the VIRTUOSOPOZ code or provide it in the case of telephone or e-mail reservations.
The offer applies to the following performances:
06.05.2022 time 19.00
07.05.2022 time 15.00
07.05.2022 time 19.00
Reservations: 506 658 381, e-mail: bilety@teatr-muzyczny.poznan.pl
In the case of e-mail reservations, please indicate the preferred zone or places.
Payment for tickets before the performance.
See you at the Music Theater in Poznań!
Screenplay, music and lyrics by Matthew Hardy
Translation - Lesław Haliński (libretto), Przemysław Kieliszewski (lyrics)
Collaboration - Brian Kite
Orchestration and vocal arrangements by Andrew Fox
Premiere: September 12, 2020
Duration: 170 minutes (with intermission)
Ignacy Jan Paderewski
Politician. Prime Minister. Composer. Pianist.
He was outstanding in each of these roles, but ... do you also know the other side of his life?
Showman! The richest artist! Philanthropist! God of the crowds! Favorite of women! Impossible?
Meet Elvis of those times! If he had lived in the '70s, he would have been a star like King Presley or the Beatles. Paderewski's influence on the mass imagination was so great that the craze that prevailed in America over him is still called "Paddymania".
We lost our heads to him in November… See why!
We will tell you a story about a great artist who used his popularity to help his homeland regain independence. How he became one from the salon lion
of the most influential politicians in the world. A story written for a Hollywood series or… a musical!