Poznań was chosen for the jubilee celebration of the 25th Day of Judaism - under the slogan "My thoughts are not your thoughts" (Is, 55).
We wish it was a time in which we will awaken our imagination and the ability to think more according to our God - God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God Jesus. This is the only way to cleanse prejudices, aversion and stereotypes, but also to find new, creative attitudes and words that are to be the heralds of what God thinks and wants for us. The jubilee celebrations inspire us not only to give thanks for what has happened over the past 25 years but also to boldly and confidently discover what is ahead of us.
Understanding the dialogue in this way is a difficult, but also creative task, it is a school of openness, kindness and trust. The space for such thinking and discernment will be meetings, talks, prayers, but also exhibitions, performances and concerts, which we have planned in January 2022, as part of the celebration of the 25th Day of Judaism in Poznań.
January 10 (Monday) 6.30 PM > online + offline
Yossi Klein Halevi, „ Letters to my Palestinian neighbor " (fragments)
Stage reading by actors of the Teatr Nowy and discussion with participation of
prof. Katarzyny Kuczyńskiej-Koschany (UAM) and prof. Wiesława Ratajczaka (UAM)
Lead by: Michał Pabian (Teatr Nowy)
Teatr Nowy, ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 5
January 11 (Tuesday) 6.00 PM
„The melody can beat the time”
Jewish songs and songs performed by the winners of National Jewish Song Competition
Lead by: Małgorzata Maciejewska
Pałac Działyńskich, Stary Rynek 78
January 12 (Wednesday) 6.00 PM
Violin concert „Di fidl”
performed by Karolina Ossowska-Gburek (Sinfonietta Polonia)
ODK Pod Lipami
January 13 (Thursday)
My thoughts are not your thoughts… (Is, 55)
Workshops for young people, 12.00 PM online
Students of Hebrew Studies UAM, Magda Tomczak (Stowarzyszenie Coexist)
Open lecture, 5.00 PM
Fr. Adam Prozorowski (Poznańska Grupa Ekumeniczna)
Siedziba Związku Gmin Wyznaniowych Żydowskich, ul. Stawna 10
January 14 (Friday) 8.00 PM
Concert of the KROKE band
Jerzy Bawoł – accordion, Tomasz Kukurba – alto, Tomasz Lato – double bass
Blue Note Jazz Club
January 15 (Saturday), 12.00 PM
Walk along the Route: On the Jewish Heritage Trail
Lead by: Maksym Kempiński (Centrum Turystyki Kulturowej TRAKT)
Start: ul. Szewska/Dominikańska. Finish: plac Wolności
Brama Poznania ICHOT. Free Entrance
January 16, (Sunday),12.00 PM > online + offline
Krakow Poetry Salon: „On the other side of all springs”
Poetic prose by Bruno Schulz
Read by : Krzysztof Wakuliński, Klarnet: Arkadiusz Kowalski
Selection and introduction: prof. Wiesław Ratajczak UAM
Teatr Muzyczny w Poznaniu, ul. Niezłomnych 1e
January 17 (Monday)
11.00 AM
The common prayer of Christians and Jews at the grave of Rabbi Akiva Eger
- the prayer will be led by the Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich and
President Fr. Marcin Kotas of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poznan
Cmentarz żydowski, ul. Głogowska 26a
11.30 AM
Opening of the Akiva Eger Rabbi's Memorial Chamber
Introduction: Rector dr Aleksandra Iwaszkiewicz-Woda
Presentation of the Chamber's project: prof. Eugeniusz Matejko (WSUS)
The charismatic figure of Rabbi Akiva Eger is an inspiration for contemporaries
- lecture by prof. Rafał Witkowski (UAM)
Wyższa Szkoła Umiejętności Społecznych w Poznaniu, ul. Głogowska 26
1.00 PM
A visit to the seat of the Jewish Religious Community in Poznań
Meeting with Alicja Kobus, Vice-president of Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Poland
ul. Stawna 10
3.00 PM > online + offline
Bible service “My thoughts are not your thoughts”
under the leadership of the Primate of Poland Wojciech Polak
Christian Commentary: Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś
Jewish Commentary: Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich
Gospel: Paweł Minajew (Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church)
The ceremonial lighting of the Menorah of Dialogue:
Ilona Dworak-Cousin, President of Israel-Poland Friendship Society (Tel Awiw)
bishop Rafał Markowski, the chairman of the Committee of the Polish Episcopate for Dialogue with Judaism
Music: Chamber Choir and instrumental ensemble of the Lubrański Academy
Aula Poznańskiej Ogólnokształcącej Szkoły Muzycznej, ul. Bydgoska 4, Śródka - Poznań
5.00 PM > online + offline
The "Menor of Dialogue" award for prof. Jana Grosfelda (Warsaw)
„for bringing people, cultures, religions and nations together"
awarded by COEXIST Association and SIGNUM Foundation
Lead by: Fr. dr Jerzy Stranz (Stowarzyszenie Coexist)
Laudations: Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś (Archidiecezja Łódzka)
Rabbi Małgorzata Kordowicz (Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Warszawie)
6.15 PM > online + offline
Chamber concert „Rebeka”
Aleksandra Idkowska – singing, Dawid Troczewski – piano
6.45 PM > online + offline
Summary of the 25-year history of the Day of Judaism in Poland and look to the future ...
prof. Stanisław Krajewski (Polish Council of Christians and Jews)
prof. Jan Grosfeld (Committee of the EESC for Dialogue with Judaism)
Résumé: bishop Rafał Markowski, the chairman of the Committee of the Polish Bishops' Conference for Dialogue with Judaism
Akademia Lubrańskiego, ul. Jana Lubrańskiego 1
January 18 (Tuesday) 6.00 PM > online + offline
„Why Christians Need Jews”
Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki invites to a meeting of reverends from the city of Poznań
Lecture by prof. Jana Grosfelda laureate of the Menorah of Dialogue Award
Sala Pompejańska w Domu Arcybiskupów Poznańskich, Ostrów Tumski
January 20 (Thursday) 7.00 PM
Musical: „Nothing like the 20s, 30s "
Directed by: Artur Hofman, Screenplay by: Ryszard Marek Groński
Teatr Muzyczny w Poznaniu, ul. Niezłomnych 1e
January 10 - 31 2022 r
Poznań Day of Judaism in the lens
Photography by: Robert Woźniak, Waldemar Wylegalski, Maciej Kaczyński, Wojciech Bryś
Screenplay by: Fr. Jerzy Stranz, Graphic Design by: Adam Piasek
Plac przed Akademią Lubrańskiego na Ostrowie Tumskim w Poznaniu
For more information about theprogramme and links to online meetings please visit www.coexist.pl