Natural Environment Monitoring Station in Biała Góra
The Station is located on the Wolin Island, within the Wolin National Park, approx. 2.5 km east from Międzyzdroje. The station has been operating since 2005.
The station comprises 3 buildings: a scientific and didactic building (sedimentological, geotechnical and geobiochemical laboratory, computer room, seminar room), a social building (guest rooms, kitchen) and an outbuilding (garage, storerooms).
The conducted scientific research relates to the environmental monitoring system. Currently, the Station conducts scientific research in the field of:
- contemporary geomorphological processes and their conditions (geomorphological, meteorological and hydrological monitoring)
- dynamics of contemporary morphogenetic processes on the cliff coast of the Wolin Island
- seasonal and spatial variability of aeolian deposition on the coast of the Wolin Island
- influence of extreme phenomena in abrasion processes, soil erosion and denudation
- transformation of energy and matter circulation in geoecosystems of different size and structure
- model studies of energy and matter circulation in geoecosystem of the Wolin Island
In addition to scientific research, the Station organizes workshops and conferences and field practise for students.