PRESSto is a professional AMU electronic journal platform, set up in accordance with Open Journal Systems software, configured and adjusted to the current standards of scientific electronic publications.
PRESSto is an innovative electronic journal administration system supporting the editorial office, functioning via effective communication between the editorial team, authors and reviewers as well as enabling the electronic flow of documents, fundamental in the editing process from sending the text by the author, through the review and correction process, to the publication of the final version of the article.
The main aim of the PRESSto platform, set up in 2015, is to reinforce the University position on the international arena through presenting the reviewed journal editing potential as well as promoting scientific content of publications.
The other PRESSto goals are:
- to increase journals publication impact indicators;
- to expand journals indexation factor in scientific databases and browsers with a special emphasis on preparing journal evaluation for SCOPUS abstract and citation database;
- to enhance the positioning of journal articles;
- to establish cooperation with foreign authors and reviewers.
Journals on the PRESSto platform are open access publications, making academic knowledge available to readers at no cost through Creative Commons licence.
Each journal published at AMU accessing the platform gains the following benefits: individual multilingual instance, automatic activation of Digital Object Identifier (DOI); introduction of journal functioning policy coherent both with international and ministerial regulations; implementation of CC licence; introduction of attachment bibliography; cooperation with POL-index base generating Polish magazines Impact Factor; additional reading tools: export of bibliographical program descriptions, access to information about the articles on scientific social networking sites, counting up the number of article quotations, generating statistics of article uploads and downloads as well as altmetric indicators; possibility of publishing articles in different formats; and OAI-PMH open protocol developed for metadata export to external bases and aggregators.

PRESSto, AMU University Library in Poznań
tel.: +48 61 829 38 66
- PRESSto platform administration – technical support, implementing new tools and new versions of the system
- Creating new journals within the platform
- Implementing a complex journal administration system
- Edditing team members’ trainings on depositing new journal issues
- Updating information about journal
- Introducing anti-plagiarism procedures ensurring articles’ authenticity (uniqueness) – complex maintenance of Crossref Similarity Check antyplagirism system
- Journal indexing coordination
- Generating xml files for POL-index base
- Councelling and assistance in journals uploading to international scientific databases (SCOPUS, DOAJ).
- Consulting on copyright – implementing new copyright agreements and Creative Commons licences
- Supervising Altmeric system
- Coordinating works on Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assignment and activation