Metropolitan Research Center
Metropolitan Research Center (CBM) is a research unit of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, established in 2009.
The Center carries out its aims and objectives through research, including analysis, expertises and strategies for the government, economic and social organizations on the broader issues of the metropolitan areas.

The general aims of the Centre include:
– interdisciplinar research on urbanized areas in Poland and Europe
– diagnosis and studies on spatial-functional structers
– strategies and prognosis for metropolies development
– cooperation with local governments, local stakeholders and other institutions in agglomeration.
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Director: prof. dr hab. Tomasz Kaczmarek,
Secretary: mgr. inż. Magdalena Karczewicz,
Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM, pok. 114 L
ul. Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10
61-680 Poznań
tel. +48 61 829 6336