I can help
If you are an AMU student, PhD candidate or employee and can offer help to our Ukrainian friends, log in to AMU Intranet and fill out the form available there !
Якщо ти студент, докторант чи працівник університету імені Адама Міцкевича в Познані і в звʼязку з кризовою ситуацією на Україні маєш можливість запропонувати свою допомогу, заповни форму в інтранеті!
Please, always double-check donation sites against possible cyberfraud and only choose those which are reliable. Also, if you live abroad, please get in touch with a Ukrainian community or Ukrainian church nearest to you and find out how can you contribute.
Fundraisers for Ukraine:
- Polish Humanitarian Action: https://www.pah.org.pl/
- Polish Red Cross: https://pck.pl/na-pomoc-ukrainie/
- Siepomaga Foundation: https://www.siepomaga.pl/ukraina
- UNICEF: https://unicef.pl/chce-pomoc/nasze-arzenia/pomoc-dla-ukrainy
Financial assistance
- Polish Red Cross (PCK) - PL 16 1160 2202 0000 0002 7718 3060 , SWIFT: BIGBPLPWXXX Transfer title: UKRAINE
- Caritas Polska - EUR: PL 23 1160 2202 0000 0000 3436 4677, USD: PL 57 1160 2202 0000 0000 6663 1212
SWIFT: BIGBPLPWXXX Transfer title: UKRAINE - Ukrainian House in Warsaw | Our Choice Foundation (FOR USD) PL 23 1020 1013 0000 0702 0464 8061, (FOR EUR) PL 68 1020 1013 0000 0002 0464 8079, (FOR GBP) PL 70 1020 1013 0000 0902 0464 8087, (FOR CAD) PL 75 1020 1013 0000 0702 0464 8095, (FOR PL) PL 39 1440 1387 0000 0000 1295 6509, SWIFT: BPKOPLPW
AMU Fundraiser
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań launched an account number to which you can make donations for aid for refugees from Ukraine.
The accumulated funds will be allocated to the purchase of the most necessary things indicated by organizations that look after refugees or people who are assisted directly by AMU. The team appointed by the Rector will decide on the method of distributing the accumulated funds.
Please make payments to the following account number:
PL 46 1090 1362 0000 0001 4982 6136, SWIFT: WBKPPLPP
The recipient's details:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań
Transfer title: Ukraine