Financial Aid

Financial aid benefits (need-based scholarship, special scholarship for students with disabilities and one-time grant) are awarded by the Rector or the university scholarship board appointed by the Rector at the request of the Student Government Parliament. Therefore, all applications for the abovementioned benefits and also for places in Student Dormitories should be submitted to the Dean’s offices of the relevant Faculties and to the Student Affairs Departments of Collegium Polonicum and AMU Nadnotecki Institute in Piła – addresses of the Faculty and other units are available on the University website.
The following persons may apply for a need-based scholarship, special scholarship and one-time grant as well as rector’s scholarship (rector’s scholarship is granted as of the second year of first-cycle studies and the second year of long-cycle master’s studies):
- a foreigner who has been granted a permanent residence permit, or a long-term resident of the European Union,
- a foreigner who has been granted a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Article 159(1) or Article 186(1) (3) or (4) of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2206 and 2282 and of 2018, items 107, 138 and 771), e.g. to reunite with a family, reunite with a family member who is a migrant worker of the European Union or self-employed in the European Union,
- a foreigner who has a refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland or enjoys temporary protection or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Poland,
- a foreigner who is the holder of a certificate confirming a C1-level command of Polish as a foreign language,
- a holder of a Pole’s Card or a person who has been issued a decision on establishing his/her Polish origin,
- a foreigner who is a spouse, ascendant or descendant of a citizen of the Republic of Poland living in the Republic of Poland.
Additionally, a foreigner who is a citizen of an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area and members of the foreigner’s family living in the Republic of Poland – is entitled to financial aid benefits – exclusive of a need-based scholarship.