News and events
3rd EPICamp “Collective identities and/or European identities”
The EPICamp will take place online again and is hosted by UHA. It will take place 21/22 January 2022, submission deadline for thematic contributions is 7 January 2022, registration is open until 17 January 2022. The full programme will be announced later.
8.12.2021 -
"Editors on Central Asia" panel in Washington, DC
In this panel hosted by GWU, Four of the editors sit together and present the rationale behind each book project, the challenges they faced when framing the region (Central Asia or Central Eurasia), selecting topics and timeframes, recruiting authors and how they provide value to their target audiences. Moreover, the ...
6.12.2021 -
Agreement between Poznań and Mexico
On November 29, the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and the CETYS Universidad of Baja California in Mexico, signed an agreement on bilateral partnership. AMU was represented by the Vice-Rector, prof. Rafał Witkowski, and CETYS by the head of the university r. Fernando Leon Garcia.
2.12.2021 -
VI Contest of Research Pitches of the Compostela Group of Universities
We want to inform you that the VI Contest of Research Pitches of the Compostela Group of Universities is now open, helping to disseminate research projects to find funding and promote the creation of contacts of researchers.
1.12.2021 -
Polish language course in Thessaloniki
A Polish language course has started at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. The project is being carried out by the Centre of Polish Language and Culture for International Students of the Adam Mickiewicz University as a part of the "Promotion of the Polish language" program of the National Agency for Academic ...
29.11.2021 -
Long Anglicists Night
The Long Anglicist Night is a unique night filled with lectures and presentations prepared by English Faculties and Departments from Universities all over Poland. This one-of-a-kind event, organized for the first time this year, has the ambition to become a cyclical meeting gathering of current and prospective students as well ...
22.11.2021 -
Vienna Post Mortem Exhibition
AMU Centre for Austrian Culture and Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw invites you to the exhibition: "Vienna post mortem".As they say: "If Death were a man, he would certainly be a Viennese".
18.11.2021 -
IAS Invited Lectures Series
We would like to invite you to two open lectures happening this week. One of them is by by dr Jessica Nina Lester on “Micro-analytic approaches for the study of everyday and institutional social interactions”. It will be held online on 19th November at 1.30 pm CET. This will be ...
16.11.2021 -
Degrowth: a new social (dis)order? - open seminar
Open Seminars are the Department of Social Practice Theory and Research’s initiative. The primary objective of those is sharing the knowledge about modern social phenomena and various challenges posed by their appearance and existence. We want to create space for lively discussion, thus the Seminars are open for everyone, who ...
9.11.2021 -
AMU Interdepartmental Sports Games
We want to invite you to participate in the first-ever AMU Interdepartmental Sports Games. We encourage both students and employees to join at any given time!
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