News and events
EPICamp on Mobility, Migration, Multilingualism
The EPICUR Research team is pleased to announce the Call for Participation for the first EPICamp, whose leitmotif is "Mobility, Migration, Multilingualism: Shaping European Identities and Languages in Past and Present".
17.09.2021 -
Emotional intelligence and job performance: a meta-analysis by AMU researchers
A group of researchers from the Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science have published a meta-analysis, i.e. a summary of all available research on emotional intelligence and employee performance.The paper summarises the results of 116 studies conducted on a total sample of almost 18,000 employees.This is the most comprehensive research ...
16.09.2021 -
AMU Cohosts SERP+ Graduation
AMU has just cohosted a graduation ceremony for two cohorts of the SERP + MA program graduates at the Université Paris-Saclay. The Program is run jointly by the four universities (Paris-Saclay, Porto, Genova and Poznan).
7.09.2021 -
Rules of functioning of AMU during winter semester of 2021/2022 in relation with COVID-19
On August 20, 2021 Her Magnificence Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań passed the Ordinance no. 139/2020/2021, regarding the rules of functioning of the University during winter semester of 2021/2022 academic year in relation with the COVID-19 outbreak.
6.09.2021 -
GreenMetric Report 2021 available now - check it out!
As a centre of academic excellence where research and teaching are mutually sustaining Adam Mickiewicz University is the national coordinator for UI GreenMetric World University Rankings.
2.09.2021 -
Young Geographers in Africa
This year a group of Adam Mickiewicz University students involved in the activities of the Geographers' Student Research Group travelled to Tanzania to put into practice the knowledge and skills they had acquired during their studies at the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences.
31.08.2021 -
2.000-year-old spinning tools recovered by AMU archaeologists
In July 2021, an excavation expedition of the Faculty of Archaeology of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, began working on another of the barrows hidden in the forests of the Sarbia Forestry District.As a result of the excavations in this season's barrow IV, two female burials were uncovered, belonging to ...
30.08.2021 -
Scholarships for Belarusian students - deadline: September 6!
Scholarships for Belarusian students - EU4Belarus – SALT (Support for Advanced Learning and Training)The European Union under the “EU4Belarus: Solidarity with the people of Belarus” programme is launching a call for proposals for EU4Belarus – SALT (Support for Advanced Learning and Training) scholarships for Belarusian students who are already studying ...
20.08.2021 -
AMU Chamber Choir back on stage
The coronavirus pandemic is a particularly difficult time for musicians. However, the world is gradually returning to normality and artists can finally stand on stage and perform in front of a live audience. The Adam Mickiewicz University Chamber Choir has also returned to performing.
20.08.2021 -
Foundations of Law: the Polish Perspective - new handbook in English
The new handbook of Polish law is already available for lawyers and law students, and scholars from all over the world!The "Foundations of Law: the Polish Perspective" has been recently published by Wolters Kluwer publishing house.
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