Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Level of Studies: first cycle students Type of studies: full-time (weekdays) Duration: 3 years
Language of instruction: English Professional title: licentiate (licencjat) Educational profile: general academic
 Tuition Fee 1500 PLN 
Programme description

The chemistry major with specialization in general chemistry is addressed to those who wish to study structures and properties of substances, transformations of chemical processes, experiment and discover new chemical compounds, work safely in a laboratory. The course enables students to gain knowledge and skills in basic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical technology and related sciences. During the studies, social cognitive competences such as understanding, analysing and interpreting measurement data and drawing conclusions are developed.

Example of courses
  • Fundamentals of analytical chemistry
  • Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry
  • Fundamentals of organic chemistry
  • Fundamentals of physical chemistry
  • Fundamentals of chemical technology
  • Fundamentals of instrumental analysis
  • Spectral methods
  • Crystallochemistry
Graduate competencies
  • Knowledge of basic inorganic chemistry, basic organic chemistry, basic analytical chemistry and basic physical chemistry.
  • Ability to analyse, interpret and explain physical and chemical properties of substances.
  • Ability to apply knowledge of a particular specialisation in work connected with the profession of chemist.
  • Ability to solve analytical problems not only related to work in a chemical laboratory.
  • Ability to apply alternative solutions to eliminate hazards arising from work in industry.
  • Ability to work in a team both as a member and a leader of the team.
  • English language skills at a level which makes it possible to follow the latest publications in the field of chemistry.
Career prospects
  • chemical industry workers at various levels
  • chemical laboratory workers
  • analytical laboratory workers
  • analytical and quality control workers
  • employees of research centres and institutes
  • representatives of companies offering chemical equipment and reagents
  • employees in teams developing new recipes and technologies of production and obtaining modern and innovative products

Programme website