Master of Research in Cognitive Science

Level of studies: second-cycle studies
Type of studies: full-time (weekdays)
Duration: 2 years
Language of instruction: English
Professional title: master (magister)
Educational profile: general academic
 Tuition Fee  1000 PLN

A graduate of the second-cycle master's degree program in Research in Cognitive Science is equipped with the skills necessary to conduct advanced research and implement innovative solutions related to the analysis of the mind and cognitive processes. The acquired competencies include effectively addressing interdisciplinary problems in individual work and team collaboration.

Preliminary requirements (candidate’s qualifications):

The candidate submits the outline of their master's thesis project, with indication and approval from a potential supervisor, within the given deadline.

Moreover, the candidate must prepare a motivational letter; it is important to describe personal expectations, professional and academic goals, and the motivations that led to the choice of this field. The candidate should emphasize how their previous experiences and scientific interests relate to cognitive science and their aspirations in contributing to the preparation of their master’s thesis. It is also worth mentioning specific skills or achievements that may distinguish the candidate from others and how they plan to utilize the knowledge gained after completing their studies.

Work opportunities:

The versatile application of knowledge and cognitive science skills opens doors to various areas of professional activity. A graduates is prepared to work in research units, both academic and commercial, with different profiles, engaging in projects related to stimulating cognitive development, shaping innovative social communication strategies, designing research tools, and improving human-computer interaction. They also can utilize resources from individual foundational disciplines (including psychology, logic, biology, philosophy, and computer science) while demonstrating a creative approach to solving problems in the field of cognitive sciences. This makes them capable of effectively acting as critical members or coordinators of multidisciplinary projects and research teams.

More details:

Curriculum: Research in Cognitive Science - programme

Mandatory courses: Research in Cognitive Science - sylabusy 1

Elective courses: Research in Cognitive Science - sylabusy 2

List of available thesis supervisors: View the full list

Contact Information:

dr inż. Marcin Jukiewicz:

Admission Schedule. Enrollment start date: June 1st. Enrollment end date: 12th Semptember; enrollment fee payment deadline: 12th September; Submission of documents obrtained abroad end date: 12th June; Result annoucement date: 19th September.

Apply here

Photo credit: AMU Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Studies & Getty Images