Jesteś na początku kariery badawczej? Chciałbyś realizować projekty z naukowcami z uczelni partnerskich? Aplikuj na staże naukowe w ramach EPICUR Research.
Staże odbędą się w formie hybrydowej. Okres trwania stażu to ok. 3 miesięcy (maj/czerwiec 2022 – wrzesień 2022).
Aplikować można do 15 kwietnia.
Informacja w języku angielskim:
EPICUR Research - EPICradle, Application open
The EPICUR Research team is pleased to announce the Call for Application for an EPICradle: short-term, hybrid, and well-funded fellowships enhancing European collaboration
The EPICradle is a unique opportunity for Early Career Researchers to receive funding and institutional support while developing new, interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary, challenge-based projects that are beneficial to society.
The EPICradle is aimed mainly at Early Career Researchers, who wish to develop interdisciplinary teams of researchers and to turn their research ideas into project proposals. Within each group, one or two applicants may be working at non-university or non-academic institutions provided that they can prove a sincere interest in pursuing research or research-relevant careers in the future. All potential applicants must be eligible and be able to spend 2×2 weeks in any of the EPICUR universities, and have an official affiliation with at least one partner university.
The EPICradles will consist of two physical meeting phases (about two weeks each) connected through a virtual intermission, during which the groups will be able to communicate and develop their ideas virtually. In a closing event, participants will be able to share their results and reflections on the EPICradle with the EPICUR alliance and the wider public.
Call for Application is open until April 15th and can be accessed here.