Profesor Roman Dziergwa odnalazł się cały i zdrowy. Jest z nim kontakt. Dziękujemy wszystkim za wsparcie!
Zaginął prof. Roman Dziergwa, pracownik Wydziału Neofilologii UAM! 24 lipca, w południe, profesor poinformował bliskich, że wyjeżdża na konferencję naukową do Włoch. Od tego dnia nie nawiązał już więcej kontaktu z rodziną. Do wskazanego miejsca również nie dotarł. (English version below)
Miał jechać pociągiem przez Wrocław, Wiedeń, Rzym. W Wiedniu mógł się wybrać na zwiedzanie miasta, ponieważ miał tam kilkugodzinny pobyt.
Zaginiony ma 65 lat, jest szczupłej budowy ciała, ma ok. 186 cm wzrostu. Często nosi czapkę z daszkiem oraz granatową, cienką kurtkę.
Jeśli ktoś co wie i może pomóc w odnalezieniu Pana Profesora proszony jest o kontakt z poznańskimi policjantami pod numerami:
61 47 77 123 11/12 lub 112!
Trzymamy kciuki za szczęśliwe zakończenie tej historii.
fot. profil Komenda Miejska Policji w Poznaniu
Professor Roman Dziergwa from the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures – Institute of German Studies, head of the Research Unit for German-Polish Literary Relations and Media Theory has gone missing.
On July 24th at noon, Professor Dziergwa informed his relatives that he was going to a scientific conference in Italy, where he never arrived.
The Conference: XIV. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG) – „Wege der Germanistik in transkulturellen Perspektiven“ – scheduled in Palermo, in the south of Italy between 26 and 31 July 2021 was attended by his AMU colleagues who never saw him there.
– Prof. Roman Dziergwa did not arrive in Palermo. He was supposed to go by train through Wroclaw, Vienna, and Rome. In Vienna he might have gone to the city because he had a stopover there for a few hours. Maybe someone saw him there? Maybe there is some information on the internet about any events that could be linked to this disappearance? Please be on the alert and let us know if you see or hear anything,“ says Maciej Mickiewicz from the Institute of German Philology on his Facebook profile.
– On July 24, at noon, the man informed his relatives that he was leaving for a scientific conference in Italy. Since that day he has not contacted his family again. He did not arrive at the indicated place either – informs Warrant Officer Marta Mróz from the Poznan Police.
The missing man is of slim build, about 186 cm tall. He often wears a baseball cap and a dark blue, thin jacket.
If anyone knows anything of his whereabouts and/or can help in locating him, please contact the Poznań Police at the following numbers +48 61 47 77 123 11 (or 12) and the emergency number in Poland: 112!