Zapraszamy na kolejny wykład otwarty w ramach IAS Invited Lecture Series in Materiality of (Post)socialism. Spotkanie w formie online odbędzie się 20 grudnia br. w godz. 18-20. Wykład wygłosi Alexey Golubev z University of Houston.
In his talk, Alexey Golubev will discuss how collections organize hegemonic forms of the historical imagination. Two cases from the late Soviet history will be addressed: open-air museums of heritage architecture and collections of scale models created both individually and in hobby groups (kruzhki).
Wykład wygłosi:
Alexey Golubev, PhD
Assistant Professor
History Department, University of Houston
Alexey Golubev jest autorem książki The Things of Life: Materiality in Late Soviet Russia.
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Wykład jest częścią IAS Invited Lecture Series in Materiality of (Post)socialism.