Zapraszamy na kolejny wykład otwarty w ramach IAS Invited Lecture Series in Materiality of (Post)socialism. Spotkanie odbędzie się 11 stycznia 2022 r. w godz. 18-20 za pośrednictwem platformy MS Teams. Wykład wygłosi Vasilyeva Zinaida z Uniwersytetu Technicznego w Monachium.
In the lecture, I will discuss how materialities contribute to the production of modern subjectivities and participate in the processes of individuation. Building on the accounts of experiences of making, remaking, and repairing objects by individuals who can be described as belonging to “the late Soviet urban middle class”, I show that contrary to the widespread “shortage paradigm”, which reduces the meaning of these practices to the logic of compensation for material lacks, many subjects performed them as a form of self-mastery, for fun or pleasure and/or out of engineering curiosity. Building on Warnier’s concept of “mise en objet” (Warnier 1999), I suggest to stop reasoning about practices of making things in terms of consumption and instead rethink them as a particular form of governmentality and a way to become subjects. Making objects helped both, constructing a modern individuality and developing a life-style and yet, to do so without adhering to the logics of the private.
O wykładowcy:
Zinaida Vasilyeva works as a post-doc at the STS Department of the Munich Technical University. She holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. In her doctoral dissertation entitled “From Skills to Selves: Recycling ‘Soviet DIY’ in Post-Soviet Russia” she explored how meanings and values attributed to manual knowledge and skills and do-it-yourself practices in the late Soviet society shifted and changed after the dissolution of the Soviet political and economic order. Her current project at TUM focuses on European space politics and technologies.
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