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Wykład otwarty: Evidence-Based alternative, Stockelova Tereza

grupa ludzi sadzi drzewo

Zapraszamy na kolejny wykład otwarty w ramach IAS Invited Lecture Series in Materiality of (Post)socialism. Spotkanie odbędzie się 8 lutego 2022 r. w godz. 16-17.45 za pośrednictwem platformy MS Teams. Wykład wygłosi Stöckelová Tereza.


The talk will look into the efforts to “re-plant” Chinese medicine in the postsocialist Czech Republic in frame of the high level governmental and business deals between China and the CEE region in the past decade. It will detail how it layered onto the version of Chinese medicine cultivated within the Czechoslovak public healthcare system since late 1960s and the version developed in small private clinics in the country after 1989. We will discuss the (cosmo)political and political effects that the different versions produce.

O wykładowcy:

Stöckelová Tereza is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and an associate professor at the Department of Sociocultural Anthropology, Charles University. Since 2020, she is a member of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, an advisory body and forum of reflection set up by UNESCO. Recent publications include: Stöckelová, T., Trnka, S. 2020. Situating biologies of traditional Chinese medicine in Central Europe. Anthropology & Medicine 27(1): 80-95; de Rijcke, S., Stöckelová, T. 2020. “Predatory Publishing and the Imperative of International Productivity: Feeding Off and Feeding Up the Dominant.” Pp. 101-110 in M. Biagioli and A. Lippman (eds.): Gaming the Metrics: Misconduct and Manipulation in Academic Research. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

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Wykład jest częścią IAS Invited Lecture Series in Materiality of (Post)socialism.