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Special Scholarship Program at Kochi University of Technology

Kochi University of Technology (KUT) currently calls for applicants of its scholarship program.

The Special Scholarship Program (SSP) is a 3-year English-medium doctoral program designed for highly capable doctoral students. Successful applicants are entitled to receive following benefits:

1. Exempted from all the required student fees.
2. 150 000 yen per month for research project work.
3. 150 000 yen for travel and initial living cost (given only to international applicants who are living outside Japan).

The SSP recruits excellent doctoral students to join the research projects listed at KUT website.

Application deadline of SSP for October 2023 enrollment: 17 March 2023
Application deadline of SSP for April 2024 enrollment: 15 September 2023

If you are interested in joining the program please contact our AMU coordinators by writing e-mail: