Recruitment - all information

Schedule of  the Doctoral  School enrolment procedure

Registration in the Internet Registration of Candidates (IRK) - 23 July - 23 August 2020 

Recruitment procedure 

  • Submission of documents: 27 July - 24 August 2020
  • Quali procedure: 7 September - 12 September 2020
  • Announcement of the ranking list: 16 September 2020
  • Announcement of the list of accepted candidates: 18 September 2020.

Recruitment fee

The recruitment fee is PLN 200 or the equivalent in EURO.

The fee should be paid to the bank account:

IBAN: PL77 1090 1362 0000 0000 3601 7903


with a not on the transfer slip: admission fee to the Doctoral School - name and surname

Form of the selection procedure

One-step procedure.

Language of the selection procedure, including interviews:

Polish or another language.

Required documents:

Doctoral candidates seeking admission to the Doctoral School shall be required to make an online registration via the Internetowa Rejestracja Kandydatów [IRK - Online Registration System].

Applicants seeking admission to the Doctoral School shall particular:

  1. complete the registration form;
  2. consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of recruitment;
  3. enclose a 20 mm x 25 mm photo in an electronic version with a resolution of at least 300 dpi;
  4. upload the results of a diploma or certificate confirming their graduation;
  5. indicate the country in which the candidate obtained a higher education diploma in the IRK form;
  6. define the scientific discipline in which the dissertation will be prepared;
  7. check deadlines for submission of documents and interviews;
  8. submit the documents (as below).

Candidates for the Doctoral School shall submit the following documents:

  1. a printed registration form downloaded from the Internetowa Rejestracja Kandydatów [IRK - Online Registration System];
  2. a cover letter with an indication of the scientific discipline in which they would like to obtain the academic degree of doktor,
  3. an application to hold the interview in a language other than Polish with a justification (if applicable);
  4. an application to hold the interview by means of distance communication with justification (if applicable);
  5. CV with documented achievements: a) in science, b) other achievements, c) proposal of the unique research project prepared for the purpose of recruitment (up to 8 pages of the standard typescript, max. 15000 characters with spaces), d) an opinion of an academic teacher may be attached
  6. a copy of the graduation diploma from a higher education institution confirming that the second cycle degree has been obtained, and in the case of graduates completing their education in the academic year 2019/2020 a certificate of graduation confirming completion of second cycle education. Beneficiaries of the Diamond Grant Program shall also submit the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science on the allocation of funds for the implementation of the research project,
  7. a diploma supplement (in the case of two-cycle programs – supplements from first-cycle and second-cycle programs),
  8. one 35 mm x 45 mm colour photograph,
  9. confirmation of payment of the admission fee.

Persons who have obtained the necessary education outside the territory of the Republic of Poland shall submit additionally:

  1. a scan of a document certifying their education - a diploma with a supplement of the 1st degree studies (Bachelor degree) and a diploma with a supplement of the 2nd degree studies (MSc, MA) in the original language and in a certified translation into English or Polish
  2. a scan/photocopy of the passport.

Evaluation criteria

The following shall be taken into account during the admission procedure:

  1. the grade awarded for the completion of the second cycle master’s degree program or one-cycle master's degree program and featured in the diploma – maximum 10 points,
  2. evaluation of the candidate's current research work and scientific achievements on the basis of the CV and cover letter; doctoral candidates shall indicate a maximum of three documented scientific achievements for evaluation (attached achievement list) – maximum 15 points,
  3. other documented activities of the candidate supported with a maximum of three achievements indicated by the candidate (attached achievement list) – maximum 5 points,
  4. the result of the interview; the interview shall cover: a) the candidate's knowledge and competence relevant to the intended research and to the discipline covered, b) the elements of the research methodology relevant to the discipline in question.Maximum 50 points may be awarded for the interview; the maximum duration of the interview may be 30 minutes.
  5. the grade awarded for the research project prepared for the purpose of the admission procedure (maximum 20 points); the following will be evaluated in particular: a) the ability to formulate the research aim and to present the research problem; b) the research idea and the ability to propose a solution; c) the methodology appropriate to the discipline in question; d) the knowledge of the state of research, including basic bibliography

Condition of admission to the Doctoral School 

The maximum number of points which candidates may be awarded is 100. Only candidates who have been short listed and who have been awarded at least 60 points shall be admitted; the number of candidates admitted for the doctoral program of a given scientific discipline is limited and decided by the Admission Committee.

Examination dates

Selection procedure: 7 September 2020 to 12 September 2020.

The Admission Committee notifies candidates about the date and place of the admission process in a given discipline.

Education Program

Education at the doctoral school lasts 8 semesters. Education at the Doctoral School of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań is offered on the basis of a framework curriculum and an individual research plan and ends with the submission of a doctoral dissertation.

The framework curriculum at the doctoral school includes a catalogue of modules of compulsory classes, elective compulsory classes and optional classes. It also:

1) defines their schedule

2) defines the way in which the classes are taught

3) defines how learning outcomes are verified.

Education begins on 1 October 2020.


A doctoral student works under the supervision of a supervisor or supervisors, or a supervisor and auxiliary supervisor, who will be appointed by the Deputy Rector at the request of the doctoral student (within 3 months from the beginning of his enrolment in the Doctoral School of Adam Mickiewicz University).


During four years of studies, each doctoral student receives a scholarship in the amount of PLN 2371.70 for the first two years of studies (before the mid-term evaluation) and PLN 3653.70 in the following two years after the mid-term evaluation. Disability allowance: PLN 711.51.

The amount should be reduced by 11,26% of ZUS contributions.

List of disciplines - admission limits

Humanities in disciplines: 50 persons

  • Archaeology – 3 persons
  • Philosophy – 3 persons
  • History – 8 persons
  • Linguistics – 15 persons
  • literature studies – 15 persons
  • cultural and religious sciences 4 persons
  • art sciences – 2 persons

Social sciences in disciplines: 36 persons

  • socio-economic geography and spatial planning – 3 persons
  • social communication and media sciences – 4 persons
  • political and administrative sciences – 5 persons
  • legal sciences – 8 persons
  • security study – 2 persons
  • sociological sciences – 4 persons
  • pedagogy – 6 persons
  • psychology – 4 persons

Exact sciences and natural sciences in disciplines: 56 persons

  • astronomy – 2 person
  • computer science – 3 persons
  • math – 5 persons
  • biological sciences – 17 persons
  • chemical sciences – 16 persons
  • physical sciences – 7 persons
  • Earth and environmental sciences – 6 persons

Theological sciences in discipline: 2 persons

  • theological sciences – 2 persons