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CETYS Universidad, Mexico, Fall 2024


The Center for Technical and Higher Education (CETYS) University invites students to participate in  the Student Exchange Program.

Step 1: Apply to the AMU exchange coordinator till May 13, 2024 following the procedures.

Step 2: CETYS will contact the student directly with the application process. Deadline for application is May 31st

Application documents:

Students are required to fill out the online application

Copy of valid Passport

Learning agreement

Letter of intent

Letter of recommendation from the Academic Advisor

Official Transcript of Records

Proof of Spanish language proficiency (when selecting courses in Spanish) or English language competence (for courses taught in English)

Step 3: After receiving the complete application documents, the Letter of Acceptance will be sent to the student as well as all relevant information.

Please find attached CETYS Fact Sheet. For more information about CETYS University please visit:


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CETYS Fact Sheet 2024-25.pdf 9.05.2024 Kostiantyn Mazur
Pobierz PDF CETYS Fact Sheet 2024-25.pdf(319.3 KB)