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Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Fall 2024 Students exchange / Research


The University Direction of Institutional Relations and Internationalization at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia is pleased to announce that the General Incoming Call for applications (semester exchanges in Spanish) and Research internships (in English) for the 2024-II term (August-December 2024) is now officially open.

General Incoming Call

·        Requirements and application process:

·       Deadline for applications: June 10, 2024.

·        Available programmes (pair semester courses):

·        Partial Scholarships: As part of our general call, we are offering eight (8) partial scholarships!

Call for Partial Scholarships (Semester-long exchanges)

·   Requirements and nomination process:

·    Deadline for applications: June 10, 2024.

· Available Programmes (Courses on even semesters):

Call for Research internships (in English):

·        Requirements and nomination process:

·        Deadline for applications: June 10, 2024.

·        REsearch catalogue:

Apply to the AMU exchange coordinator till May 23, 2024 following the procedures.