AMU Nadnotecki Institute in Piła

The Nadnotecki Campus located about 100 km north of Poznan derives its name from the major river of the region, called Noteć (German: Netze) which is connecting two largest Polish rivers: Wisła (Vistula) and Odra (Oder).
It is significant because of the type of hydrospheric research and engineering studies offered there, namely: Waterways Management and Environmental Protection.
The Nadnotecki Campus occupies a foresty area of the former military airport base and offers an easy access to the Pommerania Lakeland (Pojezierze Pomorskie) and the entire ecosystem of two bordering regions: Greater Poland (Wielkopolska) and Pommerania (Pomorze).
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Get a glimpse of the AMU Nadnotecki Institute in Piła offer!
Welcome to the AMU Nadnotecki Institute in Piła, one of four off-campus University branches, famous for its research on aquatic ecosystems. Located on the border of Greater Poland and West Pommerania offers its students a wide variety of places to discover and explore.
The Institute is dedicated to popularising natural and exact sciences by organising scientific events like “WodoWskazy”, a science and travel Festival designed with the aim of promoting water management and environmental protection sciences among students of secondary schools in Greater Poland, featuring famous guests of honour. Jasiek Mela, for instance, the youngest traveller to reach both Earth poles in one year, was one of our guests.
Another educational event organised by the AMU Nadnotecki Institute in Piła is “Noc w Lesie” (“A night in the forest”), giving its participants a chance to venture out after dark to discover secrets of the forest.
In the fall the Institute is taken over, for a couple of days, by fantasy, IT and computer games fans who come in great numbers from all over the region to participate in the Pilkon Festival.
Both students and academic Staff actively participate in scientific and research projects. Since 2013, for instance, the Institute’s team have been carrying out underwater research in the ponds belonging to the Tatrzański National Park. In 2018 the scientists managed to sail around the Spitsbergen in a yacht in search of marine organisms, and in 2020 a group of students participated in fieldwork consisting of sailing around the Puck Bay and the Hel Peninsula.
The AMU Nadnotecki Institute in Piła also supports social projects and initiatives such as „antytrawnik” – an outstanding urban green zone, contradicting the previous approaches to the urban park designs with no manicured lawns, perfectly straight flowerbeds, and trimmed hedges. The Permaculture Garden as well as the Educational Bee Yard, currently being set up on the Institute premises, are other examples of initiatives engaging not only students and volunteers but also non-governmental organisations, companies, and other regional institutions.
The Educational Offer of the Institute
The students can choose form the following practical degree courses: Waterways Management (first-cycle degree studies) and Information Technologies (engineer’s degree studies). Our students are also offered a wide range projects and internships, according to the educational profile, in the following companies: (Quad IT Global Solutions, Signify, PGW Wody Polskie czy Spółka „Gwda”). There is also a rich offer of extracurricular activities such as diving or sailing courses.
“Studying after 4 p.m.”
Apart from the timetable, “Studying after 4 p.m.” is no different than full-time studies. Part-time students are offered the same degree courses: Waterways Management (first-cycle degree studies) and Information Technologies (second-cycle degree studies) as well as identical study programme and professional qualifications. In addition, all the courses are also tuition free.
As “Studying after 4 p.m.” is tailored for those who want to continue working while studying, it involves attending lectures and classes three or four times a week ( interchangeably every fortnight) between 16.00 and 19.15. Moreover, the classes are also held on Saturdays, once or twice a month.
Have a look at our degree courses!
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