Faculty of Educational Studies
The Faculty of Educational Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań continues the best research traditions in this field in Poland.
Research projects relate to the contemporary problems of schooling and education which are closely connected to the development of this discipline as a science and pedagogy as a practical social activity.

The Ogrody campus, where the Faculty of Educational Studies is located, is a popular place both among students and employees, because it is located in a very green area, with excellent transport connections, near the more fashionable districts of Poznań - Jeżyce and Grunwald - which makes it cozy and a harmonious place that is conducive to the sharing of knowledge.
In the summer semester, some classes, at the request of students, are conducted on lawns, in the shade of trees, in the vicinity of outdoor sculptural installations.
The main directions of teaching and research in the various fields pursued by all the departments of the Faculty of Educational Studies, including
- the theory of upbringing,
- history of upbringing,
- methodology of pedagogy,
- early school and school pedagogy,
- sociology of education,
- comparative pedagogy,
- special pedagogy,
- education of adults,
- lifelong education,
- artistic education,
- pedeutology,
- ecological education,
- media education and educational technologies,
- child pedagogy,
- youth pedagogy,
- health pedagogy,
- care and upbringing pedagogy,
- child psychopathology
contribute to a multi-aspect approach, understanding and interpretation of the most important problems of education of the modern society and the individual who is a part of them. Their accomplishment at the Faculty of Educational Studies gives sufficient background for making diagnoses, discovering relations, facts and describing, explaining and understanding the actual social reality.
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